Remember You Can See Live Trades, Listen To Me Answer Question And Download The Candlestick Recognition Software, Line Trader And INFOcator Below.

Mark McRae, one of the most respected names in trading recently made this video review. Listen to what he has to say.

Russ Live Trade Video #1
Russ Live Trade Video #2
Russ Live Trade Video #3
Wesley Live Trade Video #1
Wesley Live Trade Video #2
Marcille Live Trade Video #1
Wesley Live Trade Video #3
Wesley Live Trade Video #4
Wesley Live Trade Video #5
Wesley Live Trade Video #6
Wesley Live Trade Video #7
Wesley Live Trade Video #8
Wesley Live Trade Video #9
Marcille Live Trade Video #2
Marcille Live Trade Video #3
Wesley Live Trade Video #10
Master Method Video
Truth Video
INFOcator Video
Play Installation Instruction Video
Line Trade Video
Play Installation Instruction Video
Candlestick Recognition Video
Candlestick Report
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Russ Horn Forex Master Method

Winner Section

Here's How To Get One Of The Prizes

Below, you will find an area where you can make a comment. Simply watch the "Master Method" video above and make a comment by answering this question – "If you could spend one hour with me and ask me anything about Forex, but you could only ask one question, what would that one question be and why would you ask it?"

In the next two weeks, my team and I will chose the 4 best answers and award the prizes. We will post the winners here for everyone to see.

1st Place Winner

Andrew Logan, NSW, Australia
(16%, 22 votes)

Is the secret to succesful trading to be disciplined enough to follow a plan and to take losses without hesitation ? I would ask it because as a successful trader you must have a succesful trading plan you believe in, and the mental techniques in order to help you stick to it when the inevitable losses come. So I would expect that if I had an hour with you to answer my question, you wouldn't simply answer "YES" or "NO", and would instead teach me a succesful plan and how you manage to concentrate your mind on process rather than emotions. You have a slick video, but it plays to the emotion of hope, which can be the worst enemy of a trader when they should cut a losing position. I want to be a profit machine. Andy
Forex Master Method

2nd Place Winner

Margaret Schofield, Devon, England
(14%, 20 votes)

I know most successful strategies could be traded by anyone who is able to follow all the rules yet it appears many of us fail because we can?t stop ?thinking? we know, suspect, or is it fear, what the market will do next ? whether about to enter a trade or in one. There is something very elusive that prevents us from being consistently successful. So, my question would have to be: What is that elusive quality ? is it a certain level of knowledge and experience? The reason I ask is because I know precious little about financial markets and technical analysis tools (I use what I?m told by the strategies I employ). How can you know what might drive traders to take the positions they do and how much knowledge of trading do you need to be successful? If traders all listen to or read the same news, use similar indicators and charts why are they so fickle? Quite often price movements appear to be totally illogical and yet conform to certain patterns. But, just when you think they?re going to conform they don?t and vice-versa! Can your method, or indeed any strategy, be used successfully by someone fairly ignorant of trading ? of charting techniques and trading tools, the correlation of different currencies, timing, and what is going on in the money markets and the global economy? Margaret

3rd Place Winner

Ian Rowe, Bath, England
(13%, 18 votes)

If I could spend an hour with you watching how you trade, then my primary question would be: What tools and techniques are you using, as you trade, to ensure that you create the right emotional state in which to function as a disciplned trader? The reason I'd want to ask you this question is that as a novice trader, I now appear to be consistently spotting good trading opportunities, but actually managing my emotions to enter and exit the market in a timely fashion is proving difficult and undermining profitability. I doubt that I'm alone in this and I want to better understand how you combine the technical aspects of trading with the psychological aspects to gain a consistent edge. Thank you. Ian

4th Place Winner

Brian, Pittsburgh, USA
(12%, 17 votes)

Dear Russ, First, thank you in advance for your time and effort to give back to the forex community. I have struggled with this business for more years and lost more money than my family and I wish to remember. If I had an hour to spend with you I would through my Trading Plan on the table with a big red pen and ask, ""What needs to be changed or tweaked within MY Trading Plan to optimize it for your system?"". I believe I've been beating myself up because I'm chasing after a system to fit my plan, not tweaking my plan to fit a profitable system. I'm pretty sure if you sit 100 profitable professional traders in a room, you would have 100 different plans. I would ask you this question for one reason. Please don't be offended, but I do not want a iPad or a Kindle, but would rather make consistent profit so I could buy a Kindle for every student in my nephews' 3rd grade class. Or have the old ladies' groceries standing behind me at the store be added to my bill. That is the sort of satisfaction I'm seeking out of life. Thank you for your time. Brian, Pittsburgh, PA Brian

The competition is closed but I would still like to hear what you have to say. Leave a comment for me and I will read it.

1st June 2011 is D-Day!